0.18: This release only affects modbot: Switched to using youtube-dl for getting IDs (including proper searching) Fixed and clarified the !help text. When a video is next to be played and has not been approved for 2 minutes, move the first approved video to the front instead of moving the first video to the back. Added '!approve next' which approves the first thing in queue that is not yet approved. Added !time to get the amount of time left for the current video (mostly for debugging) Handle /mbsk (seeking) 0.17: irchack: translate tc_client's "No such nick" to IRC's 401 (No such nick/channel) modbot: mark manually started videos as playing. modbot: fixed a memory error in list_del() Added a configure script to better handle platform differences (primarily that some systems need to link to libiconv, for others it is provided by libc) crossbuild.sh: build libiconv if necessary. modbot: added more responses to !approve to make it less confusing. modbot: pass -- to youtube-dl before the ID to avoid issues when IDs start with - 0.16: Get and print the channel topic (contributed by Jade) irchack: fork and keep accepting connections. irchack: translate IRC's "\x01ACTION stuff\x01" (/me) into "*stuff*" for tc_client. modbot: add a 100ms delay between the lines of !help to prevent throttling. modbot: handle manual /mbs and /mbc commands (remove from queue, mark as good) Added a /help command to list commands handled by tc_client at runtime. irchack: use USER and PASS IRC commands to get the tinychat account to login as. 0.15: Fixed a bug introduced with the new argument handling in 0.14 Prompt for password if a username is given with -u/--user but no password (-p/--pass) is given. Turn account names lowercase to comply with tinychat's quirks. Handle networking being down at startup more graciously. Added modbot.c, a bot that deals with playing videos. 0.14: Use iconv to deal with tinychat's ISO-8859-1 instead of the wcs functions. irchack: only listen on (localhost) Added -u/--user and -p/--pass options to log into tinychat accounts. 0.13: Check the validity of nicknames before switching. Roll our own endianness conversion functions since the ones provided by libc are not standardized. 0.12: Wrote a sender for the RTMP code and changed the AMF0 writer to use it, plus working directly with the rtmp struct instead of an intermediate amfmsg struct. Added handling of moderators turning into regular users, or 'deop' (contributed by Jade) Handle new nicknames being in use when using /nick, and thus failing (contributed by Jade) 0.11: Rewrote the RTMP code to read from the socket instead of from a buffer, this will prevent messages from being dropped when they are larger than the buffer. 0.10: irchack: stay connected if joining a channel fails and tell the IRC client if a channel password is required. irchack: keep listening for connections and accept the next after a session ends. 0.9: Added compatibility workarounds for android. Keep track of who is a moderator. (contributed by Jade) Added crossbuild.sh script to automatically cross-compile tc_client and curl (dependency) for the given host-triplet. 0.8: irchack: convert tc_client's ANSI codes to IRC color codes. irchack: convert IRC color codes to '/color ' commands for tc_client. Made it possible to turn off/on colors being displayed with '/color off' and '/color on' 0.7: Added command handling (/color , /colors, /nick , and adding the privacy field for /msg) 0.6: Fixed a bug in the ID list that kept IDs from being removed correctly. Show colors using ANSI escape codes. 0.5: Fixed a bug in irchack.c that sent the JOIN confirmation to the wrong file descriptor. Avoid sending empty lines. Handle messages related to getting kicked out/banned from a channel. (contributed by Jade) 0.4: Adjustments for portability: nested functions are a GCC extension and should not be used, include headers needed on other systems. Use memcpy in some places instead of *x=y and x=*y to avoid alignment issues. 0.3: Handle 'joins', 'join', 'nick' and 'quit' messages from the server (contributed by Jade) Moved the AMF message writing functions into a separate source file. Added irchack.c, a simple application that acts as an IRC server mirroring a tinychat channel using tc_client. 0.2: Added support for non-ascii characters (sent as ISO-8859-1 to/from the server)