#!/bin/sh # Note: this script is written for msys2 and is unlikely to work with anything else getdlls() { objdump -p "$1" | sed -n -e 's/.*DLL Name: //p' | while read name; do if ! grep -q -x -F "$name" .handleddeps; then echo "$name" >> .handleddeps file="`which "$name"`" # Skip windows system files if echo "$file" | grep -q '^/[a-z]/'; then continue; fi if echo "$file" | grep -q '^/cygdrive/'; then continue; fi echo "$file" getdlls "$file" fi done } finddeps() { rm -f .handleddeps touch .handleddeps getdlls "$1" rm -f .handleddeps } rm -rf escapi* # Find and download the latest version of ESCAPI curl -s 'http://sol.gfxile.net/zip/?C=M;O=D' | sed -n -e 's|.*]*>\(escapi[^<]*\)<.*|http://sol.gfxile.net/zip/\1|p' | head -n 1 | xargs wget mkdir escapi (cd escapi; unzip ../escapi*.zip) version="`sed -n -e 's/^VERSION=//p' Makefile`" mkdir -p "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin" here="`pwd`" # Build the core first export MSYSTEM='MSYS' . /etc/profile cd "$here" ./configure # make tc_client modbot irchack cursedchat make tc_client cursedchat CURL_LIBS='-lcurl' || exit 1 # (curl's pkg-config data seems to pull in unnecessary libraries) # Erase objects used both in msys and mingw32 find . -name '*.o' -delete # Then the GUI export MSYSTEM='MINGW32' . /etc/profile cd "$here" ./configure make || exit 1 cp *.exe gtkgui.glade "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin" (cd "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin" wget -c 'http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl.exe') mkdir -p "tc_client-${version}-w32/share/glib-2.0/schemas" cp /mingw32/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled "tc_client-${version}-w32/share/glib-2.0/schemas" . /etc/profile cd "$here" ( finddeps tc_client.exe finddeps tc_client-gtk.exe finddeps cursedchat.exe ) | while read file; do cp "$file" "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin"; done cp escapi/bin/Win32/escapi.dll "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin" echo "cd bin" > "tc_client-${version}-w32/TC Client.cmd" echo "start tc_client-gtk" >> "tc_client-${version}-w32/TC Client.cmd" # Some good defaults echo 'youtubecmd: http://youtube.com/watch?v=%i' > "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin/config.txt" echo 'youtuberadio_embed: True' >> "tc_client-${version}-w32/bin/config.txt" zip -r "tc_client-${version}-w32.zip" "tc_client-${version}-w32"