VERSION=0.39pre CFLAGS=-g3 -Wall $(shell curl-config --cflags) LDFLAGS=-g3 PREFIX=/usr/local CURL_LIBS=$(shell curl-config --libs) ifneq ($(wildcard,) include else ifneq ($(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname -s)),) err: @echo 'Run ./configure first, make sure tc_client-gtk is enabled.' endif endif OBJ=client.o amfparser.o rtmp.o numlist.o amfwriter.o idlist.o colors.o endian.o media.o utilities/compat.o IRCHACK_OBJ=utilities/irchack/irchack.o utilities/compat.o MODBOT_OBJ=utilities/modbot/modbot.o utilities/list.o utilities/modbot/queue.o CAMVIEWER_OBJ=utilities/camviewer/camviewer.o utilities/compat.o libcamera.a CURSEDCHAT_OBJ=utilities/cursedchat/cursedchat.o utilities/cursedchat/buffer.o utilities/compat.o utilities/list.o TC_CLIENT_GTK_OBJ=utilities/gtk/camviewer.o utilities/gtk/userlist.o utilities/gtk/media.o utilities/gtk/compat.o utilities/gtk/config.o utilities/gtk/gui.o utilities/stringutils.o utilities/gtk/logging.o utilities/compat.o utilities/gtk/inputhistory.o libcamera.a LIBCAMERA_OBJ=utilities/libcamera/camera.o utilities/libcamera/camera_img.o UTILS=irchack modbot CONFINFO=|Will enable the IRC utility irchack|Will enable the bot utility modbot ifdef GTK_LIBS ifdef AVCODEC_LIBS ifdef AVUTIL_LIBS ifdef SWSCALE_LIBS CONFINFO+=|Will enable the graphical utilities tc_client-gtk and camviewer UTILS+=camviewer tc_client-gtk CFLAGS+=$(GTK_CFLAGS) $(AVCODEC_CFLAGS) $(AVUTIL_CFLAGS) $(SWSCALE_CFLAGS) INSTALLDEPS+=tc_client-gtk ifdef AO_LIBS ifdef AVRESAMPLE_LIBS CONFINFO+=| Will enable experimental mic support CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_AVRESAMPLE=1 $(AVRESAMPLE_CFLAGS) $(AO_CFLAGS) endif ifdef SWRESAMPLE_LIBS CONFINFO+=| Will enable experimental mic support CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_SWRESAMPLE=1 $(SWRESAMPLE_CFLAGS) $(AO_CFLAGS) endif endif ifneq ($(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname -s)),) ifeq ($(findstring mingw,$(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep Target)),) err: @echo "Error, you're in a mingw shell but $(CC) doesn't seem to be a mingw compiler" endif LDFLAGS+=-mwindows # Using ESCAPI for cam support on windows, ifneq ($(wildcard escapi),) CONFINFO+=| Will enable escapi windows camera support CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_ESCAPI LIBCAMERA_OBJ+=utilities/libcamera/camera_escapi.o escapi/escapi.o else CONFINFO+=| escapi windows camera support will not be enabled endif windowstargets: camviewer tc_client-gtk tc_client-gtk-camthread @echo @echo 'To build the core (tc_client.exe), enter this directory from cygwin (or MSYS2 non-MinGW shell) and type make' endif ifneq ($(findstring MSYS,$(shell uname -s)),) ifeq ($(findstring msys,$(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep Target)),) err: @echo "Error, you're in an msys shell but $(CC) doesn't seem to be an msys compiler" endif msystargets: tc_client @echo @echo 'To build the gtk+ GUI, enter this directory from a MinGW shell and type make' endif ifdef LIBV4L2_LIBS CONFINFO+=| Will enable v4l2 camera support CFLAGS+=-DHAVE_V4L2 $(LIBV4L2_CFLAGS) LIBCAMERA_OBJ+=utilities/libcamera/camera_v4l2.o else CONFINFO+=| v4l2 camera support will not be enabled endif endif endif endif endif ifdef CURSES_LIBS ifdef READLINE_LIBS CONFINFO+=|Will enable the curses utility cursedchat UTILS+=cursedchat CFLAGS+=$(CURSES_CFLAGS) $(READLINE_CFLAGS) INSTALLDEPS+=cursedchat endif endif ifeq ($(AR),) AR=ar endif ifeq ($(RANLIB),) RANLIB=ranlib endif CFLAGS+=-DPREFIX=\"$(PREFIX)\" -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" INSTALLDEPS=tc_client tc_client: $(OBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(CURL_LIBS) -o $@ # Make sure client.o gets rebuilt if we change the version number in the Makefile client.o: Makefile utils: $(UTILS) tc_client irchack: $(IRCHACK_OBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) -o $@ modbot: $(MODBOT_OBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(CURL_LIBS) -o $@ camviewer: $(CAMVIEWER_OBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(AVCODEC_LIBS) $(AVUTIL_LIBS) $(SWSCALE_LIBS) $(AVRESAMPLE_LIBS) $(SWRESAMPLE_LIBS) $(AO_LIBS) $(LIBV4L2_LIBS) -o $@ cursedchat: $(CURSEDCHAT_OBJ) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) $(READLINE_LIBS) $(CURSES_LIBS) -o $@ tc_client-gtk: $(TC_CLIENT_GTK_OBJ) camplaceholder.gif $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(TC_CLIENT_GTK_OBJ) $(LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(AVCODEC_LIBS) $(AVUTIL_LIBS) $(SWSCALE_LIBS) $(AVRESAMPLE_LIBS) $(SWRESAMPLE_LIBS) $(AO_LIBS) $(LIBV4L2_LIBS) -o $@ camplaceholder.gif: utilities/gtk/ utilities/gtk/camplaceholder.xcf utilities/gtk/spinnerdot.xcf utilities/gtk/ # Workaround for windows' lack of fork() and inflexibility of having or not having a terminal utilities/gtk/camthread.gen.c: utilities/gtk/media.c sed -n -e '/^ *#/p' utilities/gtk/media.c > $@ echo 'int main(int argc, char** argv){' >> $@ echo 'avcodec_register_all();' >> $@ echo 'AVCodec* vencoder=avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1);' >> $@ echo 'cam_img_filepicker=camselect_file;' >> $@ echo 'gtk_init(&argc, &argv);' >> $@ echo 'int campipe[]={0,1};' >> $@ echo 'setmode(1, O_BINARY);' >> $@ echo 'CAM* cam=cam_open(argv[1]);' >> $@ echo 'unsigned int delay=atoi(argv[2]);' >> $@ echo 'struct size camsize_out={.width=320, .height=240};' >> $@ sed -n -e '/if(!camproc)$$/,/^ }/p' utilities/gtk/media.c | sed -e '1,3d' >> $@ sed -n -e '/ camselect_file/,/^}/p' utilities/gtk/media.c >> $@ tc_client-gtk-camthread: utilities/gtk/camthread.gen.o utilities/compat.o libcamera.a $(CC) $^ $(LIBS) $(GTK_LIBS) $(AVCODEC_LIBS) $(AVUTIL_LIBS) $(SWSCALE_LIBS) $(AVRESAMPLE_LIBS) -o $@ libcamera.a: $(LIBCAMERA_OBJ) $(AR) cru $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ clean: rm -f $(OBJ) $(IRCHACK_OBJ) $(MODBOT_OBJ) $(CAMVIEWER_OBJ) $(CURSEDCHAT_OBJ) $(TC_CLIENT_GTK_OBJ) $(LIBCAMERA_OBJ) tc_client irchack modbot camviewer cursedchat tc_client-gtk camplaceholder.gif SOURCES=Makefile client.c amfparser.c rtmp.c numlist.c amfwriter.c idlist.c colors.c endian.c media.c amfparser.h rtmp.h numlist.h amfwriter.h idlist.h colors.h endian.h media.h LICENSE README ChangeLog configure SOURCES+=utilities/irchack/irchack.c SOURCES+=utilities/modbot/modbot.c utilities/modbot/queue.c utilities/modbot/queue.h utilities/modbot/commands.html SOURCES+=utilities/camviewer/camviewer.c SOURCES+=utilities/cursedchat/cursedchat.c utilities/cursedchat/buffer.c utilities/cursedchat/buffer.h SOURCES+=utilities/gtk/camviewer.c utilities/gtk/userlist.c utilities/gtk/media.c utilities/gtk/compat.c utilities/gtk/config.c utilities/gtk/gui.c utilities/gtk/logging.c utilities/gtk/inputhistory.c utilities/gtk/userlist.h utilities/gtk/media.h utilities/gtk/compat.h utilities/gtk/config.h utilities/gtk/gui.h utilities/gtk/logging.h utilities/gtk/inputhistory.h SOURCES+=utilities/gtk/ utilities/gtk/camplaceholder.xcf utilities/gtk/spinnerdot.xcf SOURCES+=utilities/compat.c utilities/compat.h utilities/list.c utilities/list.h utilities/stringutils.c utilities/stringutils.h SOURCES+=utilities/libcamera/camera.c utilities/libcamera/camera.h utilities/libcamera/camera_v4l2.c utilities/libcamera/camera_v4l2.h utilities/libcamera/camera_img.c utilities/libcamera/camera_img.h utilities/libcamera/camera_escapi.cpp utilities/libcamera/camera_escapi.h tarball: tar -cJf tc_client-$(VERSION).tar.xz --transform='s|^|tc_client-$(VERSION)/|' $(SOURCES) install: $(INSTALLDEPS) install -m 755 -D tc_client "$(PREFIX)/bin/tc_client" ifdef GTK_LIBS ifdef AVCODEC_LIBS ifdef AVUTIL_LIBS ifdef SWSCALE_LIBS install -m 755 -D tc_client-gtk "$(PREFIX)/bin/tc_client-gtk" install -D "$(PREFIX)/share/tc_client/" endif endif endif endif ifdef CURSES_LIBS ifdef READLINE_LIBS install -m 755 -D cursedchat "$(PREFIX)/bin/tc_client-cursedchat" endif endif CONFINFO+=| ifeq ($(findstring tc_client-gtk,$(UTILS)),) CONFINFO+=|The graphical utilities tc_client-gtk and camviewer will not be enabled endif ifeq ($(findstring cursedchat,$(UTILS)),) CONFINFO+=|The curses utility cursedchat will not be enabled endif confinfo: @echo "$(CONFINFO)" | tr '|' '\n'